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better health thanks to access to drinking water
Construction of 4 boreholes

Drinking water for 2,400 people in north-eastern Uganda

Access to drinking water is one of the main challenges facing the Amudat district in the Karamoja region. Through this project, 2,400 people will have access to drinking water.

The project in brief


Access to water


In progress




Interaction (Igive2help fund) and private donors


78'951 CHF


2'400 people


The shortage of water points and the long distances to them are major problems for the majority of poor families in the Amudat region. On average, it takes members of a household between one and two hours to get to their water point, collect water and return home. To avoid these long and tedious journeys, residents tend to collect water from unprotected wells, which exposes them to diseases linked to drinking dirty water..

Limited access to water sources has led to the spread of water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea and typhoid. Children and women are the worst affected by these diseases.
To improve the health of the population, FH Uganda is going to drill four deep wells in the sub-counties of Lokales and Karita, in order to give more than 2,400 people access to drinking water. FH will also strengthen the capacity of the water user committees to operate and maintain the new water sources in the long term, to ensure their continued operation.

The community will also be made aware of health, nutrition, sanitation and hygiene issues. Hygiene promotion campaigns will also be conducted in schools.

In the same region, FH is also supporting two agricultural projects: Promoting agro-ecological transition and Agro-ecology and nutrition. And a health project (with the support of the municipality of Horn in Thurgau) that will improve patient care at the Karita health centre.


  1. Improve access to drinking water.
  2. Improve health in the Amudat region.
  3. Help reduce water-borne diseases.
  4. Improve the governance of water points.
  5. Improve hygiene and sanitation for the population.


  • Construction of 4 deep wells.
  • Creation and training of 4 water source management committees.
  • Raising community awareness of hygiene and sanitation issues.
  • Six-monthly hygiene promotion campaigns.
  • Construction of latrines for vulnerable households.
  • Hygiene promotion in schools.


Activities already completed:

5 community care groups have been set up. Each is made up of 14 volunteer mothers who receive training from two "mothers in charge" who supervise the group. Each member disseminates the messages in their environment, aiming for a multiplier effect to reach as many households as possible. 
These groups aim to promote: appropriate care and nutrition for women during pregnancy and the post-partum period, good nutrition for infants and children, appropriate hygiene practices, the handling of clean water, dietary diversity, knowledge and use of health services, and the promotion of modern contraceptives.

In preparation for the construction of the 4 new boreholes scheduled for August 2024, FH is currently working in partnership with the Amudat District Water Board and community leaders on planning, structural design and tendering.

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Sustainable development goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Undefined Guarantee access to water and sanitation for all and ensure sustainable management of water resources
More information on the 17 United Nations SDGs

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