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Promoting agro-ecological transition in north-eastern Uganda

In response to recurring periods of drought, training farming communities in agro-ecological transition to make the food system more resilient and sustainable.

The project in brief


Agriculture, access to water


2021 - 2025


In progress


SDC via Interaction


CHF 686'777.--


14'400 people


As a result of climate change, the two seasons usually present in the region are gradually merging into one, leaving farmers disorientated. Recurring droughts and dwindling water sources have forced many households to move to neighbouring districts in search of food, water and pasture.
Yet in the Amudat district, around 87% of households have access to land. But low rainfall, drought, insufficient seeds or tools and a lack of labour are all obstacles to agricultural production.
Following on from previous efforts, this programme aims to improve living conditions in areas where the majority of farming households have lost their livelihoods as a result of violent conflict and the drought that is increasingly affecting the region.
In collaboration with local institutions, FH is working to build knowledge and skills to improve farmers' resilience to climate change and agricultural productivity. Through the proposed agro-ecological transition, the aim is to introduce farming methods that are both productive and sustainable.


  1. Improving food security and the resilience of communities affected by drought in the Amudat district.
  2. Promoting the agro-ecological transition among farmers and members of local society.
  3. Changing the food system to make it more sustainable and resilient.


  • Setting up training courses and workshops for local authorities and model farmers (teachers) in agro-ecological practices and concepts
  • Drilling wells to supply water for domestic use and production
  • Purchase of maize shelling machines and construction of a central warehouse for storage
  • Formation of farmers' cooperatives or associations
  • Working with schools: setting up training plots to teach agroecological and agroforestry practices.
  • Sensibilisation et formation de « femmes modèles » à l’utilisation de la production des potagers agroécologiques.
  • Setting up biogas  facilities in women's households
  • Improving permanent stabling practices for feeding cows

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Sustainable development goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Eradicate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Ensuring equal access to quality education for all, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities. Achieve gender equality. Empowering women and girls Establishing sustainable consumption and production patterns Taking action to combat climate change Preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems, ensuring that they are used sustainably, manage forests sustainably, combat desertification, halt and reverse soil degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
More information on the 17 United Nations SDGs


This project is based on the following principles of agroecology:

  • Recycling
  • Input Reduction
  • Soil Health
  • Animal Health
  • Biodiversity
  • Synergy
  • Co-creation of knowledge
  • Social values and diets
  • Fairness
  • Connectivity
Learn more on the 13 principles of agroecology

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