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The 13 agroecological elements

1. Recycling

Preferably use local renewable resources and close the nutrient and biomass resource cycles as far as possible.

2. Reducing inputs

Reduce or eliminate dependence on purchased inputs.

3Soil health

To guarantee and improve the health and functioning of the soil for better plant growth, in particular by managing organic matter and boosting biological activity in the soil.

4. Animal welfare

Ensuring the health and welfare of the animals.

5. Biodiversity

Maintain and enhance species diversity, functional diversity and genetic resources, and preserve biodiversity in agro-ecosystems over time and space, at field, farm and landscape levels

6. Synergies

Strengthen positive ecological interaction, synergy, integration and complementarity between agroecosystem elements (plants, animals, trees, soil, water).

7. Economic diversification

Diversify farm incomes by guaranteeing small farmers greater financial independence and opportunities to create added value, while enabling them to meet consumer needs.

8. Co-creating knowledge

Strengthen the co-creation and horizontal sharing of knowledge, including local and scientific innovation, notably through farmer-to-farmer exchanges.

9. Social values and eating habits

Build food systems based on the culture, identity, tradition, social and gender equity of local communities that provide healthy, diversified, seasonal and culturally appropriate diets.

10. Equity

Support dignified and robust livelihoods for all actors involved in food systems, especially small-scale food producers, based on fair trade, fair employment and fair treatment of intellectual property rights.

11. Connectivity

Ensure proximity and trust between producers and consumers by promoting fair and short distribution networks, and by reintegrating food systems into local economies.

12. Governance of land and natural resources

Recognize and support the needs and interests of family farmers, smallholders and peasant food producers as sustainable managers and custodians of natural and genetic resources..

13. Participation

Encourage social organization and greater participation of food producers and consumers in decision-making to support decentralized governance and adaptive local management of agricultural and food systems.