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Climate Emergency and Cooperation Projects: What Are the Prospects?

Recap of the Round Table and NGO Forum at HEPIA Geneva on the Climate Emergency and Cooperation Projects from Last May 28.

Nearly 150 people participated in the event and visited the stands of member organizations and the Food Sovereignty Platform of the FGC (Geneva Federation for Cooperation). Many visitors stopped by our stand and showed interest in our activities:

- Carbon Footprint Calculation: Using the “my footprint calculator” tool from OCE.
- The Banana Plant: Illustrated as a living diagram, explaining how plants contribute to atmospheric carbon fixation in the soil by absorbing CO2 through photosynthesis.
- Soil Quality: The experiment compared the physical qualities of two soils by immersing clumps of soil in water. The healthy soil, richer in organic matter, demonstrated better structural resistance to water immersion, while the clumps of impoverished and compacted soil dissolved, showing how poorly protected soil—bare, compacted, or deeply plowed—tends to be washed away by heavy rains.
We sincerely thank them for their interest.

The speakers, François Lefort, Catherine Schümperli Younossian, Alfonso Gomez, Thomas Stocker, Pierre-André Cordey, Sandy Mermod, and Prosper Niyonsaba, gave detailed presentations on the day's theme and opened up concrete perspectives. Our program director, Roger Zürcher, gave an inspiring conclusion by encouraging us to take action and move in the right direction.

We thank the FGC for organizing the event, as well as the City of Geneva and HEPIA for their warm welcome.

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