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Development Projects: Solutions in Response to Climate Emergency

Climate change is an undeniable reality, and its effects are felt worldwide, with a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable countries. It is with this perspective that we are pleased to announce our participation in the roundtable discussion on the theme of climate change and development cooperation, organized by the FGC in partnership with the City of Geneva and HEPIA, on May 28th.

This evening will be an opportunity to understand the impacts of global warming and explore the solutions implemented to address it. The consequences of climate change on populations in the Global South and the presentation of adaptive solutions, such as agroecology and sustainable forest management, will be at the heart of the discussions. Climate experts, government representatives, and development actors will share their expertise in a roundtable discussion. Among the guests, we will have notably: Thomas Stocker, a renowned climatologist, Pierre-André Cordey from the Directorate of Development and Cooperation, Roger Zürcher, our program director, as well as our partner Prosper Niyonsaba, in charge of food security at FH Burundi.
See the full program.

Before the roundtable, participants can explore interactive booths presenting the work and activities of FGC member organizations. At our booth, you can test your carbon footprint, conduct educational experiments on soils, and see a "living" illustration of carbon capture by plants.
Admission is free and open to all who wish to contribute to a constructive discussion on climate justice and international cooperation. However, registration is recommended: form

We look forward to meeting you at our booth! For more information on the event, please visit the FGC website.

Practical Information
May 28, 2024, from 5:00 PM (animations), roundtable at 7:00 PM followed by a reception.
HEPIA (Aula), rue de la Prairie, Geneva.

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