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DRC: Agroecology, beekeeping and rice growing in South Kivu

With this project, farming families in South Kivu are strengthening their skills in sustainable agriculture through agro-ecology. Agricultural production is diversified and farmers come together to form village savings and loan associations.

The project in brief




2023 - 2026


In progress


Fédération genevoise de coopération (FGC)


CHF 472'373.--



South Kivu is a densely populated region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), inhabited mainly by farming families. They cultivate small plots of land on the slopes, as the landscape is very mountainous. In addition, some farmers have access to lowland areas, but these are marshy and sometimes difficult to cultivate because of the stagnant water. Crop yields are generally low because the soil is eroded. On the other hand, on the slopes, crop yields can be so low that families are unable to feed themselves. Faced with these challenges, farming families need to increase their agricultural production and diversify their activities in order to generate income.

With this project, following on from its previous actions, FH is supporting the implementation of agroecology, as a set of practices that promote increased agricultural yields, but also the sustainability of agroecosystems and the transformation of food systems. FH works with model farmers who apply a number of agroecological practices and teach them to others. FH has facilitators and trainers who live in the communities and guide families through this agricultural and societal transition.


  1. Improving the socio-economic conditions of vulnerable households.
  2. Diversifying livelihoods by producing honey and rice.
  3. Increasing agricultural productivity through agro-ecological practices.


  • The 1,540 model farmers from previous FH-RDC food security projects are training 1,500 new farmers. Their experience will be used to spread and share agro-ecological practices.
  • Awareness raising and training for teachers and pupils in six schools (primary and secondary).
  • The marshy lands are drained and recultivated, rice production is developed there.
  • Training of farmers in beekeeping and installation of hives.
  • Creation of village savings and credit associations.

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Sustainable development goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Eradicate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
More information on the 17 United Nations SDGs


This project is based on the following principles of agroecology:

  • Recycling
  • Input Reduction
  • Soil Health
  • Biodiversity
  • Synergy
  • Economic Diversification
  • Co-creation of knowledge
  • Social values and diets
  • Fairness
  • Participation
Learn more on the 13 principles of agroecology

Latest project news

"We'd like to give young people a new image of farming."

Interview with Roger Mushagasha, Head of Programmes at FH DRC, who gives us an overview of the strengths and challenges of the agricultural projects carried out in partnership with FH Switzerland in South Kivu.
Read more

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