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Animals improve daily life

Providing a family with a goat or a cow can often be a determining factor in improving food security for an entire community.
  • The children drink the milk, which improves their development
  • Some of the milk can be sold which helps increase family income; the extra income can be spent on other needs, like health and education.
  • Manure helps improve crop production
  • When the animal gives birth, the first calf or kid is given to another needy family, thus creating a solidarity chain.

FH Switzerland runs animal programmes in Rwanda and Burundi. In these countries, farmers are often working on sloping fields without machinery and it is difficult for them to invest in the purchase of an animal.

In groups and prepared

People who are interested in becoming part of this programme form a group or small association. Only those who have had adequate preparation (training, building a shelter, gathering fodder) are allowed to obtain an animal. Beneficiaries also receive training in how to look after the animals, how to feed them and grow their food.

Sustainable agriculture

The grass which is used to feed the animals is planted on the edges of the fields; it helps to prevent erosion.

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