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News Agriculture Rwanda

I am a transformed woman!

Dative Mukandayisenga lives with her 2 children in the Gatsibo district, Nyagihanga sector. She lost her husband in 2013 and lives with her 2 children in an unfinished house. Dative is a poor rural farmer living on a small daily wage. The yields from his small plots were very low due to poor knowledge of good agricultural practices.
« Since the death of my husband, I felt useless and I was desperate about the future of my 2 children. I did not have enough to feed them properly, nor to cover their medical or school expenses.
In 2017, I joined the ABABERARUGO cooperative and received training on best agricultural practices, including compost making, organic pesticide manufacturing and post-harvest handling. I also received a dairy cow.
My agricultural productivity has improved significantly. On my 2,100 m2 plot,  I now harvest 250 kg of beans and 500 kg of corn. I have also diversified my crops and now grow vegetables and fruits. My cow gives me 9 liters of milk per day, I sell some in the community and keep some for my own consumption and for free distribution to the children of poor neighboring families. I have enough manure to fertilize my farm and I sell the surplus to other farmers. Subsequently I was able to renovate my house and buy furniture.
I have more hope for my children's future, I can provide for their needs and I even bought them 2 rabbits which they take care of after school. In the future, I hope to start a new business with poultry farming, expand my farm and save for my children's education.
I am a transformed woman! I have regained my confidence and was even recently selected by the local government as a community health worker - I feel so much more useful in my community!»

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